Our fabulous 2021 crop of fresh Hawaiian Red Turmeric is STILL AVAILABLE! However, we are coming into the home stretch and the beautiful red turmeric will be gone soon. We should have world class BLACK Turmeric well into June!
We also currently have some very nice Red Turmeric Powder in stock which is an industry wide leader in taste aroma, total curcuminoid content and sports a unique vibrant reddish –orange color. See and taste to appreciate. I have yet to see any that comes close to this quality.
While many out there claim to have Hawaiian Red Turmeric, we feel our cultivar is superior in taste, aroma, and reddish hue. And it is grown in some deep mineral rich Mother Earth, not plastic!
Our Turmeric is currently being used in many cancer treatment trials because of its legendary anti-inflammatory properties. Many of our customers have been using our products to treat serious conditions effecting family, friends, and pets for years. Someday we will get their stories published!

Organic Black Turmeric

Black Turmeric is the new kid on the block in the world of Turmeric. Curcuma caesia is a rare and endangered species of Turmeric according to some Indian sources. Some say it is the highest in Curcumin content of all the Turmerics but we have not found this to be true to date. More testing will be done.
Most agree it is very good as an aid for any respiratory ailments and can be made into a poultice for application to the chest or any sore joints.
Here are some pictures of Black Turmeric used to make sushi, shots, and other fine foods. Please stop by and visit the fine people who run Plant Based Deli, which is located within the Vim n Vigor health food store in Ala Moana center, Honolulu, Hawaii.